Toolbox material
Here you will find proven working material of experienced Social Marketplaces in Germany in english, useful for organizing and tackling a Marketplace (for material from other countries please see: Material worldwide). However, you can also use and/or adapt the material according to your specific Social Marketplace concept.
These materials were kindly provided by Social Marketplaces for which you will find references within each document.
1. Images and videos of a Social Marketplaces
To get an impression what will happen
2. Framework
Helps to clarify the Marketplace idea and goals
3. Milestones
The process described could be used as a template
4. Arguments
To motivate companies and non-profit organisations
5. Workshop
Example how the non-profits preparation workshop could be run
6. Registration form
Shows what information could be useful
7. Broker, registration, evaluation
Checklist for these tasks during the Markeplace-Event
8. Seven steps to a succesful match
Suggestions for finding the right partners at the Marketplace-Event
9. Match agreement
A form for the registration of each match that can be used as a template
We would appreciate if you refer to when using any of the material and if you could also send us a brief note. We would be happy to include your working material in other languages as well. Thank you!
Short Guidelines
Short guidelines for the Social Marketplace for companies and non-profit organizations.